Like Israel of old who turned against God in Old Testament days, I now see the leadership of the nation in a new light. From once perceiving them as an instrument of God, I now see them as instruments in the claw of Satan to bring in the New World Order – a global superstate which will have an authoritarian leadership ruling by fear and oppression. Sooner or later we'll see the Anti- Christ take His throne at the head of a world government, and many believe that that man will be Jewish.
What Israel is doing in Gaza at this very time is one more move in the grand chess game. The goal of the game is to create terror in the world, fueling the so called War Against Terror, and creating a climate of fear in which the global elite can do 'what the hell' they like. And that's exactly what they are doing as they work towards creating hell-on-earth for everyone but themselves. George Orwell was indeed a prophet. He just got his dates wrong. (I'm referring to his chilling book “1984” of course.)
If you doubt that there are global chess players using you and I as pawns in their game, check out these YouTube videos — 9/11 Mysteries — and — The Road to Tyranny. (You'll find them at Google Videos and Metacafe also. If the links don't work use the YouTube search box.)
Check them out today! If you wait too long you'll find that YouTube has been censored and the rest of the Internet too. I believe that the days of freedom of information are drawing to a close, so make the best of them while you can.
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