Sodium Fluoride is a poisonous waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. Look at the images on this page of a bag of sodium fluoride marked ... TOXIC and POISON. Also here, marked ... DANGER! POISON - TOXIC BY INGESTION.
In 2009 'Big Brother' NHS bosses in Southampton, UK, voted to enforce the addition of Fluoride to the city's water supply, despite a 70% response against it in a 10,000 strong public consultation — and despite clear evidence that extra fluoride in the diet can be harmful to health. In 2013 the debate in Southampton is still ongoing.
Personally speaking I stopped using fluoride toothpaste years ago when I read that in certain US states tubes of the stuff are required to carry health warnings. and contain a wealth of information by health professionals warning about the dangers of adding fluoride to the diet.
Most telling of all is this UNICEF report which states those dangers clearly and succinctly: Fluoride in water: An overview (Go to page 11 of that PDF file.) Also read the article here.
To my mind what's happening in Southampton is Big Brother at work. Even if there were no health risks involved, this action shows a blatant disregard for human rights — that is, our right to decide whether or not to have a form of medication added to our diet. As one blog correspondent put it:
Why don't they go the whole hog and add Prozac and beta blockers to our water? Then we'll all feel happy about being poisoned!In my own case, after using non-fluoride toothpaste for over a year I ran out of it and couldn't find a high street supplier. Boots the Chemist used to stock it but they stopped doing that. I wonder why?
I looked everywhere but couldn't find any, so one day just decided to go back to the fluoridated paste. I couldn't be bothered with all the hassle. Within two or three days I started to feel very strange. My head felt woolly, as if my brain was being drugged, and my cognitive processes were feeling confused. That really alarmed me!
Immediately I stopped using the fluoride toothpaste, and within a day or two felt back to normal again.
Now I KNEW that something serious was going on, so I started to research the subject more seriously. It wasn't long before I discovered evidence that fluoride does indeed poison, or drug, a part of the brain — the hippocampus — an area responsible for converting short term memory into long term.
According to the Wikipedia entry for the hippocampus:
In Alzheimer's disease, the hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage; memory loss and disorientation are included among the early symptoms.Wow! That sent me spinning! And it's not rocket science.
(a) Damage to the hioppocampus causes short term memory loss, leading to Alzheimer's.
(b) Excess fluoride in the diet damages the hioppocampus.
(c) Conclusion? You work it out!
In the latter half of the last century there has been a huge increase in Alzheimer's disease in the older generations. Why? In the latter half of the last century fluoride has been consistently added to our diet in food products, in water, and in toothpaste.
Think about this: It's only since the Second World War that all this has become an issue. Before then fluoridation of water and toothpaste wasn't happening, and neither was Alzheimer's a serious issue in society.
No, it's not rocket science.
Why was WW2 the turning point in this issue? That's easy to explain. It's been well documented that the Nazis put fluoride into the drinking water in their concentration camps, in order to make the inmates docile and prevent mass rioting. The American administration got hold of this information and ... well ... we're reaping the results now.
This is mind blowing stuff — literally! — and yet there's very little discussion about it in the media. We're all being poisoned — our health is being damaged, in a way which makes us docile — and yet no-one seems to care.
But that's what you'd expect isn't it? Fluoride makes people apathetic, and apathy removes the desire to get concerned about anything which doesn't affect you in the here and now. After all, this is just another of those 'conspiracy theories' isn't it?
Once I saw the truth of this I started two courses of action:
(1) I found an online supplier of non-fluoride toothpaste — although now I just use sodium bicarbonate on my brush. And ...
(2) I started a Facebook group in order to document my findings and warn others about the dangers. Read the introductory information here.
I also called my local water company to check that they are NOT adding fluoride to my water supply, and have no plans to do so. If at any point they do go down that route, I will certainly buy a suitable (reverse osmosis) water filtration unit and only drink water from that. As far as I can see, the only people who are likely to benefit from adding fluoride to water are the bottled water companies, and the water filtration companies.
Finally, here's an article published on the reputable and independent news outlet, the Huffington Post. (Arianna Huffington was the first foreign president of the Cambridge Union, and it's third female president. According to Wikipedia: The Huffington Post became the first commercially run, United States digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer Prize.)
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQThe title of the article alone should be enough to make you want to reduce your fluoride intake, and especially your children's (if you have any). Why subject yourself to a substance which could be damaging your brain?
Furthermore, ask yourself this:
Why am I taking part in a worldwide experiment in mass medication?Not so long ago I discovered that even small island states in the Pacific are forcing their shops to sell fluoridated toothpaste.
And, if you think that fluoride in toothpaste doesn't get ingested into your body, then remember that heart attack drugs are placed under the tongue in a heart attack victim. In other words, keeping a drug in the mouth is a quick way to get it absorbed.
If you have children I urge you, strongly, to buy non-fluoride toothpaste for them. Buy it online if necessary. Why take a huge gamble with their long term health? Why take a gamble with your own health also?
And if you live in an area with fluoridated drinking water do some research and buy a suitable water filtration system. Water is the stuff of life ... but only if it's pure and uncontaminated.
When you're elderly and NOT suffering from Alzheimer's, you may well conclude that this was one of the most important decisions of your life.
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