Monday, 30 August 2010

The New World Order and Religion

One of the goals of the New World Order elite is to replace Christianity as the dominant world religion. They know that they could never replace it entirely, and certainly not with an already established religion. Their desire, however, is to create a world wide movement towards a synchronistic religion which embraces all faiths equally. Their hope is that this would become dominant in the popular psyche, with a view to discrediting any religion which doesn't embrace it.

The idea of a One World Religion might sound like a good idea to some people, but according to the Bible if we worship anyone, or anything, other than Jesus Christ, we are in serious error — for the obvious reason that according to the Bible, He is God. No other guru or leader of a religion or philosophy has ever, successfully, made such a claim. Christ, on the other hand, not only made the claim, he embodied it with power, and we see the worldwide success of that claim 2000 years later.

"OK", you might say, "but why would it be such a bad idea to try to combine all the world religions and get them all living and working together for peace? After all, religion has been one of the major factors behind war and bloodshed throughout the centuries. Why not try to end those differences and bring them all together into one big happy family?"

As a Christian I can't speak for Muslims, Hindus, Budhists etc., but I know enough about Christian theology and practice to know that this is an impossible idea. But why is that? Why can't we simply bury the hatchet and all get into bed together — metaphorically speaking?

To the uninitiated that might sound like a difficult question to answer. But actually it's quite simple. Once you've set out the Christian stall — once you've established what it is that makes Christianity unique — the rest follows quite logically.

So, what is it that makes Christianity unique? One simple statement: "Jesus Christ is Lord." (Romans 10:9 and 1 Cor 12:13)

And that's it! Once you establish that, according to Biblical Christianity, Jesus Christ is God, then everything else follows quite logically.

You see, all religions worship ... something. The question is, are they worshipping God as 'He' really is, or are they worshipping a substitute for God?

But you might say:

"Does it really matter what God is like? How can we know what He's like anyway? Surely as long as we respect Him/Her/It and do our best to be kind to people, we're done enough! What does it matter? If I go to a mosque, a temple or a church to be near God, or if I go out into the countryside, or sit on an underground train, what does it matter?

"Surely the fact that I want to be near God is what matters. If the picture I have of Him (or Her or It) is different to the picture you have of Him (or Her or It) does that matter? If I want to be near Him, and if I want to love Him, and if I want to try to communicate with Him — as far as an ant can communicate with the Infinite — isn't that enough?"

Simple theology states that if we worship anyone or anything other than God we are being blasphemous. Why? Because we are placing that person or thing in the place of God. The theological term for this is idolatry. If Jesus Christ is God, then to worship anyone or anything else in His place is to be idolatrous.

In other words, any kind of synchronistic religion which the New World Order may try to impose on Mankind is totally unacceptable to genuine Christians. The Apostle Paul said this of those who wanted to mix Christian worship with the worship of the pagan religions prevalent in his day:
Do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons. Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy? Are we stronger than he?
(1 Cor 10:19-21)
That's pretty unequivocal. You can't state the case for keeping Christianity separate from any other religion or system of thought, more strongly than that. Essentially Paul is saying that any world view which doesn't recognise Jesus Christ as Lord and Master, is demonically inspired and has demonic forces in the driving seat.

That may sound like a wild and arrogant statement to make, but actually is follows on quite logically from the claim that Christ is God.

According to the Bible, no-one can say, "Jesus Christ is Lord" unless the Spirit of God is inspiring him/her to do so (1 Cor 12:1-3). Why is that? Because human beings don't naturally — or their own accord — make themselves subservient to anything. Our natural inclination is to want to remain autonomous, and at least pretend to ourselves that we are the masters of our own destiny.

So if a person starts to want to worship something which he sees as more powerful than himself, there must be some kind of spiritual influence going on which makes him/her want to do that.

Christians believe that it's the Spirit of God Himself who makes them want to worship Christ as God. In contrast, according to the Bible, the desire to worship anyone or anything other than Christ comes from another form of spiritual influence. Since God's angels don't try to exert that kind of influence on people, that only leaves demonic spirits as the driving force behind non-Christ centred religions and philosophies.

Of course, this is very bold statement to make, but as I say, it follows on logically from the claim that Jesus Christ is God.

As one who has had the gift of discernment of spirits from childhood (1 Cor 12:10) I know from first hand experience that this is true. On many occasions I have discerned spiritual entities at work in the lives — even in and around the bodies — of those who follow other religions. This is not something I've looked for. It's just something I've been very aware of — sometimes painfully aware of — from a young age.

The architects of the New World Order are themselves being inspired to do what they're doing by dark Satanic entities. Their goal is to set Satan himself — inhabiting the body of a man the Bible calls the Antichrist — on a human throne at the head of a world government. I strongly suspect that that government will be based in the Kremlin, and that it will make Stalin's government look positively altruistic by comparison.

There's only one thing that Christians need to do in the face of this looming threat... cling ever more closely to their Lord and Master, knowing that according to His own promises nothing — absolutely nothing — can ever snatch them out of His hand. Then from that position of security they need to stand up boldly for Christ against all comers, and demonstrate His love and power, with tact and wisdom, to all they come into contact with.
You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
    for the LORD, the LORD himself,
    is the Rock eternal.
    (Isaiah 26:3-4)
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Something to think about: What is the ultimate goal in the current — some say scandalous — move to build a huge Islamic centre at ground zero in New York? What do you think?

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